After an amazing Month of Inspiration, Creativity, Performances, and Workshops.
Creating Opps is off to an extraordinary year ahead.
Sharing our Knowledge and tips across the country at Monsters, (www.monstersofhiphop.com) and Hollywood Connection, (www.HCDance.com) the response has been amazing.
Our Purpose is not only to share what we've learned throughout our Entertainment Journey so far, but also to be the fusion between the Old & New Generations of dancers.
This Purpose was fulfilled when we made that exact statement at the Choreographers Carnival February 24th. Avalon stage was blessed with some of the most gifted dancers in the business New & Vets!!! Lisette and I were ecstatic to have all of these dancers in our piece.
Rehearsals were so inspiring and fun! By the end of the process, it wasn't just a Hot Number it was a Movement...
Teresa Espinoza, Alison Faulk, Ava Bernstein, Laura Edwards, Sienna Lyons, LO, Yoori Kim, Derell Bullock, Tucker Barkley, Sean Bankhead, J Boog, Mikey Pesante, Todd Flanagan, Hollywood, Christian Owens, Mark Samuels, Leo Lam, Florido, Phlex, Reina Hidalgo, & Bijoya!!
Special Amazing Appearance by the one and only RHAPSODY!! Look Out for her show
Siren Assassins at Avalon March 10th it's going to be Fire!!!
Special Appearances by your Creating Opps girls... Chonique & Lisette! (www.sirenassassins.com) "A Dance to Die For"!
A Warm thank you to our Assistants from the Gods!! Todd Flanagan & Sienna Lyons! Thank You Both for Rollin W the PUNCHES!!
Lisette and I are excited and proud to announce that after a 5 year hiatus and being the first teachers to bring Hip Hop to Debbie Reynolds (also Dante 7) we are now back teaching HIP HOP at Debbie Reynolds dance studio EVERY THURS 8:30PM! Right after Kevin Maher, a dear Friend and Original Talent!
Now it's time for all of you to join this movement of Restoring the Dance Community with Support, Integrity, and Love!!! I mean.. that's why we dance right? Cuz we Love It!!!
The whole competitive, Hating on eachother thing is soooo 2009!!!
Lets Create and Build together! Support the dreams of others, and people will be more inspired to support yours!
With Love,
Would love the Support:)
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