Monday, March 1, 2010


After an amazing Month of Inspiration, Creativity, Performances, and Workshops.
Creating Opps is off to an extraordinary year ahead.

Sharing our Knowledge and tips across the country at Monsters, ( and Hollywood Connection, ( the response has been amazing.

Our Purpose is not only to share what we've learned throughout our Entertainment Journey so far, but also to be the fusion between the Old & New Generations of dancers.

This Purpose was fulfilled when we made that exact statement at the Choreographers Carnival February 24th. Avalon stage was blessed with some of the most gifted dancers in the business New & Vets!!! Lisette and I were ecstatic to have all of these dancers in our piece.
Rehearsals were so inspiring and fun! By the end of the process, it wasn't just a Hot Number it was a Movement...

Teresa Espinoza, Alison Faulk, Ava Bernstein, Laura Edwards, Sienna Lyons, LO, Yoori Kim, Derell Bullock, Tucker Barkley, Sean Bankhead, J Boog, Mikey Pesante, Todd Flanagan, Hollywood, Christian Owens, Mark Samuels, Leo Lam, Florido, Phlex, Reina Hidalgo, & Bijoya!!

Special Amazing Appearance by the one and only RHAPSODY!! Look Out for her show
Siren Assassins at Avalon March 10th it's going to be Fire!!!
Special Appearances by your Creating Opps girls... Chonique & Lisette! ( "A Dance to Die For"!

A Warm thank you to our Assistants from the Gods!! Todd Flanagan & Sienna Lyons! Thank You Both for Rollin W the PUNCHES!!

Lisette and I are excited and proud to announce that after a 5 year hiatus and being the first teachers to bring Hip Hop to Debbie Reynolds (also Dante 7) we are now back teaching HIP HOP at Debbie Reynolds dance studio EVERY THURS 8:30PM! Right after Kevin Maher, a dear Friend and Original Talent!

Now it's time for all of you to join this movement of Restoring the Dance Community with Support, Integrity, and Love!!! I mean.. that's why we dance right? Cuz we Love It!!!

The whole competitive, Hating on eachother thing is soooo 2009!!!
Lets Create and Build together! Support the dreams of others, and people will be more inspired to support yours!

With Love,

Would love the Support:)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Who are YOU??

I remember going to one of my first auditions in LA...There were tons of gorgeous girls frolicking around in next to nothing while I, (a very green 18 year old newbie dancer) was dressed in black sweatpants and my favorite Chicago Bulls basketball jersey. The first question I asked myself at that moment was...."Is every LA audition like this?" as time went on I began to discover the answer was....YES!!!

Needless to say, I got very lost in the shuffle at that audition and didn't make the cut...I wondered why I didn't get noticed because in my head, I KILLED the choreography... and then I had an epiphany. I GOT LOST IN THE SHUFFLE!!!

I always considered myself a pretty good dancer and felt like I auditioned well but I realized that day, there was more to just the dancing. In a room of hundreds of beautiful girls what made me different? What was going to make me stand apart and get recognized and book the job of my dreams?? It was a FORMULA!

From that point on, I decided that I needed to create WHO I WAS as a dancer in LA. I thought about it for awhile. I wasn't the chick who felt totally comfortable shaking my thing in fishnets and booty shorts at an audition, so, who was I? Since I had a bit of a tomboy thing going on but wasn't totally afraid of my sexy side...I would mix the two! I began rocking baggy pants slung low, sometimes with heels, sometimes with sneakers with a sexy body conscious top. Hair wild and full...natural make-up...that was me. In fact that was me at almost every audition, every casting, and the way I looked in my head shot. I was also known for my big, curly blonde it would have been crazy for me to change it ( I still haven' just works).

On top of my look, I learned it was supremely important to be a great auditioner. I began to focus as soon as I walked through the studio doors. I would watch the choreographer intently making sure I caught every detail, and LISTENED for notes. Dancers: listening is HUGE!!!! We get caught up with everything that is always going on around us and miss out on the important things we need to hear.

I would work hard on mastering the choreography and would make sure that even if there were 100 people dancing in the room, they could see me. Trust me, this is not an ego thing...this is of utmost importance. When the moment of truth would come, (my number being called), it was time for me to share who I was to that table of people in front of me. I would go into what I call...THE ZONE...This is where you are free, where you are on automatic pilot and your brain stops talking to you and you just dance. Dancers, this is where you share who you are and why you dance!! Once I shared who I truly was done. Whether or not I booked the job, I felt accomplished because I shared myself and my art whole-heartidly.

Now, being a choreographer myself...I can't possibly see everyone all the time, but certain people do stick out. Sometimes people shine because of their facial expression, their passion, or even their hairstyle. Dance is such a personally expressive art form, it is important for you now to start developing WHO YOU ARE as a dancer. If you have a favorite color, wear it a lot. I you are an amazing tapper and nobody knows come? Bring those tap shoes to a hip hop audition and when it's time to them who you are! There are so many things to share about yourself! There are many great dancers but remember there is only one of YOU. The more you can own and embrace who you are as an artist and performer...the more freedom and fun you will begin to have:)

For your daily dose, FOLLOW us on Twitter!!

Lisette :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Still on an exhilarating high from Monsters of Hip Hop DAllas,
I must say... this was one of the most energetic inspiring convention weekends I've had yet.

The Dancers were on fire, the teachers were in rare form, and the rawness and vibe in general showed and proved why Dallas represents a part of "that Dirty South"!

This weekend Creating Opportunities seminar focused on "The Power of Connection".
We did hands on exercises that helped dancers see the real difference between...
Introducing Yourself vs. Making a Connection.
Introducing yourself is definitely the first step, but it really only allows a quick tid bit of information about yourself that can easily be forgotten.

One of the exercises allowed the dancers to walk around the room and make connections with other dancers. This exercise is huge guys, it really gives a sense on how far you will go to make a connection. Some dancers just stayed in their area introducing themselves with no plan on stepping outside of their comfort zone. Others crossed the room and really got to share about themselves and find out knowledge about others who share there passions.

Only 3 people out of over 100 came up and made a connection with me. No dancers went and made connections with Kevin Maher or Marty Kudelka who were standing in the back of the room the ENTIRE TIME! Two of the most working choreographers right now, and no one connected with them??? Come on guys you must step out of your comfort zones to get closer to your dreams and goals!

Work it out Olney, Denell and Drema!
These 3 people I will remember because they made a point to make a connection with me and they shared something about themselves that was memorable.

A lot of dancers found that, almost instantly after introducing themselves they forgot the persons name. This is very normal. Which is why, when making a real connection you must 1)Share something about yourself that is distinct to you.
2)Ask a question you want to know about the person you are making the connection with that will most likely be memorable to you.

I was very inspired and proud of the alumni's who so willingly came up and shared about themselves and were "ON TIME" to the seminar.
Good Work Sean, Candace, Allisandra, Christian, Martel... if I'm forgetting anyone I apologize. You Still ROCK!!

As the new Artistic Director of the Beat Freaks, I got to make a powerful connection with one of my inspirations Kenny Ortega at the Dizzy Feet Charity Event. Also in the Pic is Dancer turned actor/Comedian Robert Hoffman.

Remeber guys it's not just about Introducing yourself, You must leave a lasting memorable impression so you can evolve your connections and continue to make new ones.
It doesn't happen over night.. it takes practice like any thing else.
So go out and practice making connections, it can make all of the difference!


Stay in touch with us.